Tag: C. S. Lewis

  • All the Best to You for a Merry Christmas 2024!

    All the Best to You for a Merry Christmas 2024!

    Whatever else has been happening in recent weeks, it’s important to take the opportunity to take the invitation Christmas provides to pause and look up.

  • Hyatt on Lewis on reading old books

    Michael Hyatt has a good, short discussion of the value of reading old books. Much of Michael’s post is framed around C. S. Lewis’s discussion of the same topic in his introduction to Athanasius’s On the Incarnation, an online version of which Michael has spotted on this page.

  • Gupta, Lewis on ambition and pride

    Stimulated by Craig Hill’s Servant of All: Status, Ambition, and the Way of Jesus (Eerdmans, 2016),  Nijay Gupta provides some interesting excerpts and reflections. He comments, in part, I have learned that I cannot control what other people think of me. I need to be driven by what I think is right, keep my pride in…

  • Gospel and Testimony

    In his 2006 Jesus and the Eyewitnesses, Richard Bauckham suggests: that we need to recover the sense in which the Gospels are testimony. This does not mean that they are testimony rather than history. It means that the kind of historiography they are is testimony. An irreducible feature of testimony as a form of human utterance is that…

  • Puckett, Apologetics of Joy

    One of our recent MLitt graduates through the Christian Institute for the Study of Liberal Arts, Joe Puckett, completed his thesis earlier this year, and it has now come to press with Wipf and Stock under the title, The Apologetics of Joy: A Case for the Existence of God from C. S. Lewis’s Argument from…