Tag: Bible
Logos Training Webinars
Logos Bible Software has done several webinars that provide excellent introductions to the platform for new users, as well as providing useful suggestions that more experienced users might find beneficial too. Current webinars are listed below. For a full playlist, and to sign up to be notified about future webinars, please see the Logos website.…
Witherington, What’s in the Word
Through June 16, Ben Witherington’s What’s in the Word: Rethinking the Socio-Rhetorical Character of the New Testament (Baylor, 2009) is available for free from Logos Bible Software. In sum, “Expanding on the work in which he has been fruitfully engaged for over a quarter century, Witherington challenges the previously assured results of historical criticism and demonstrates chapter…
Brueggeman, Spirituality of the Psalms
The June free book of the month seems already to be live on the Logos Bible Software website. The included text is Walter Brueggemann’s Spirituality of the Psalms (Fortress, 2001). The optional, $0.99 add on is Brueggemmann’s David’s Truth: In Israel’s Imagination and Memory (Fortress, 2002).
Vanhoozer, ed., Theological Interpretation of the New Testament
For this week, Kevin Vanhoozer’s edited volume on the Theological Interpretation of the New Testament is free from Logos Bible Software when users join a Baker-related email list (HT: Tayler Beede). The volume provides a focused selection of the book-specific entries from the larger Dictionary for Theological Interpretation of the Bible.
Upcoming Logos Resources (August 28, 2013)
Recently, I noted that an English Standard Version audio Bible was freely available with registration at Bible.is. This version’s Old Testament is also still freely available in MP3 format on Amazon. In addition to these, Logos Bible Software is now giving away the ESV audio Bible read by David Cochran Heath. This resource “is available for…
Upcoming Logos Resources
Recently, a number of noteworthy works have come into Logos Bible Software’s prepublication and community pricing programs. On the prepublication program are collections about biblical backgrounds (9 vols.; T. & T. Clark), the Prophets (16 vols.; T. & T. Clark), the Writings (5 vols.; T. & T. Clark), Old Testament literature and linguistics (7 vols.; T. & T. Clark), Hebrew Bible (7 vols.; T. & T.…