Andreas Köstenberger | J. David Stark

Tag: Andreas Köstenberger

  • Daily Gleanings (9 May 2019)

    Andreas Köstenberger offers reflections and advice on writing (1: Why, 2: How). Peter Gurry extracts some preview examples of translation revisions in the NASB 2020 by comparison to the NASB 1995. HT: Fred Sanders on Twitter

  • Oxyrhynchus Papyri Transcriptions from the Paulines

    Geoffrey Smith has made available offprints of new transcriptions for 5258 (132), containing fragments of Eph 3:21–4:2, and 5259 (133), containing fragments of 1 Tim 3:13–4:8. Dated to the third century, 5259 (133) is the earliest published witness to 1 Timothy. HT: Andreas Köstenberger, Brice Jones, Rick Brannan

  • Qumran Cave 12: Update

    Since my previous post about Qumran Cave 12, a few other noteworthy articles have cropped up, including on: FoxNews (HT: Jordan Sekulow via Craig Evans), NPR (HT: Andreas Köstenberger), and Times of Israel (HT: Douglas Estes). Much of what is in these articles about the new find is also in other reports. But, the Times…

  • Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 55, no. 3

    The Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 55, no. 3 includes: David W. Chapman and Andreas Köstenberger, “Jewish Intertestamental and Early Rabbinic Literature: An Annotated Bibliographic Resource Updated (Part 2) Abraham Kuruvilla, “The Aqedah (Genesis 22): What Is the Author Doing with What He Is Saying?” Greg Goswell, “The Temple Theme in the Book of Daniel”…

  • Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 55, no. 2

    The latest issue of the Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society arrived in yesterday’s mail and includes the following: David Chapman and Andreas Köstenberger, “Jewish Intertestamental and Early Rabbinic Literature: An Annotated Bibliographic Resource Updated (Part 1)” Armin Baum, “A Theological Justification for the Canonical Status of Literary Forgeries: Jacob’s Deceit (Genesis 27) and Petr Pokorný’s Sola…