If you’re an emerging scholar, you probably know you should be writing like crazy. Whether you’re wanting to do so for publication or for class, you know the hard work of moving ideas into written words is one of the most important things you need to do.
But then … when and how do you do it?
Writing = Important, not Urgent
Scholarly writing is rarely urgent, and it can easily get de-prioritized or bumped indefinitely to “later.” Or, maybe you have a good writing routine, but you struggle to juggle progress on the different projects you’ve committed to.
Whatever your situation, you’re not alone. Others have gone before you. And you can learn the craft of more productive writing without infinitely increasing the leisure time you have to accomplish it.
To help you do just this, I’m beginning a new series, “Pro Tips for Busy Writers.”
Pro Tips Details
In this series, we’ll hear from mid- and later-career scholars who have crossed some of the same hurdles your facing. We’ll hear what advice they have for facing these obstacles. And we’ll think about the lessons emerge and that might help you become better at putting your scholarship into writing.
When I’ve done series in the past, I’ve generally done them sequentially one post after the other. With this series, there might be some of that too.
But more typically, you should probably expect that this will be an intermittent series. It’s based around the thought of scholars who often have quite stringent schedules of their own. So as I get responses, I’ll prepare and post them as additions to this series. Otherwise, we’ll continue working through other topics, whether those are in stand-alone posts or in other series.
With this in mind, tune in next week, and we’ll give this new series a proper kick off. For now, I’ll leave you in suspense over who we’ll be hearing from. 🙂
Meanwhile, if you haven’t done so yet, use the form below to subscribe to my email list so you’ll be sure to get this first interview when it becomes available. It’ll certainly be well worth the read.
Is there a particular “pro tip” you’d like to see addressed? Or, is there a mid- or later-career scholar you’d particularly like to hear from in this series?
Header image provided by Freddie Marriage via Unsplash
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