Daily Gleanings (16 July 2019)

In another “not just for dudes” episode, Brett McKay interviews Albert-László Barabási about his book The Formula (Little, Brown, & Co., 2018).

Barabási’s background in network science brings an interesting, research-driven perspective to the discussion. There are a number of ready analogues in the interview to study and work in academia. Since Barabási is himself an academic, some of these are directly spelled out and may make helpful food for further reflection.

Michael Hyatt gives 12 straightforward productivity suggestions to try to help you get clear on and do your best with what matters most. Among them are to batch like activities, “determine to never answer [your phone] except in cases of emergencies or planned calls,” and to think carefully about “how many yeses and noes you give in a day and what they cost you.”

For all 12 recommendations and additional discussion, see Michael’s original post.

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