Bulletin for Biblical Research 22, no. 2

The latest issue of the Bulletin for Biblical Research arrived in yesterday’s mail and includes:

  • Beat Weber, “Toward a Theory of the Poetry of the Hebrew Bible: The Poetry of the Psalms as a Test Case”
  • Grant LeMarquand, “The Bible as Specimen, Talisman, and Dragoman in Africa: A Look at Some African Uses of the Psalms and 1 Corinthians 12–14”
  • Craig Keener, “Paul and Sedition: Pauline Apologetic in Acts”
  • David Stark, “Rewriting Prophets in the Corinthian Correspondence: A Window on Paul’s Hermeneutic”
  • Ayodeji Adewuya, “The Spiritual Powers of Ephesians 6:10–18 in the Light of African Pentecostal Spirituality”

Adewuya’s article is a revision of his engaging lecture at this past November’s Institute for Biblical Research meeting in San Francisco. My own essay discusses “rewritten Bible,” or “rewritten scripture,” particularly with a view toward using this literature as an aide in discussions of Pauline hermeneutics.

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    2 responses to “Bulletin for Biblical Research 22, no. 2”

    1. Matthew Miller Avatar
      Matthew Miller

      Dr. Stark,
      Thank you for elucidating this subject further. I once wrote a paper on the 1 Esdras issue and whether it was the priority text or constituted rewritten Bible. That experience was my first real foray into the issue but it was a valuable process to think through. One question I have is (and my apologies if the question is too reductionist) where might the distinction lie between what might be termed intertextuality and rewritten Bible. I recognize that intertextuality is associated with postmodern literary theory but it seems that rewritten Bible and intertextuality are two ways of speaking of similar actions taking place within the hermeneutical framework. Are these crossover terms? Does the length of the corpus delineate the matter? I would find it helpful and important to tease out some nuances between the two (nuances that I am sure are there but is lost on me 🙂 ). Thanks and blessings on your work!
      Grace and Peace in Christ,

      1. J. David Stark Avatar

        Thanks for your comment, Matthew. It’s good to hear from you. You’re right that intertextuality and rewritten Bible are connected. In general, I’d say intertextuality is one of the phenomena that enables literary genres like rewritten Bible to occur. Exactly how it does that enabling, though, depends on how we define intertextuality (e.g., on something like a Kristeva–Hays spectrum).

        Blessings to you and yours as well.

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