Tag: Sociological Criticism

  • Donnerstag Digest (August 12, 2010)

    This week in the blogosphere: Baker acquires Hendrickson’s academic arm (HT: Nijay Gupta and Rod Decker). Larry Hurtado rightfully lauds and recommends careful attention to Harry Gable’s Books and Readers in the Early Church. Cynthia Nielsen continues her discussion of interconnections between Joerg Rieger and Frederick Douglass with a post about duality in identity construction.…

  • History and Collective Memory

    Defending the legitimacy of the category of “collective memory,” Maurice Halbwachs observes the following: History is neither the whole nor even all that remains of the past. In addition to written history, there is a living history that perpetuates and renews itself through time and permits the recovery of many old currents that have seemingly…

  • Jewish Scriptures as Christian Memory

    Why should Christians care about Jewish scriptures and their theology? Bruce Waltke offers some telling remarks: [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBoswQ9WhW8&hl=en_US&fs=1&] Consequently, Waltke’s remarks appear nicely to complement and extend Klyne Snodgrass’s recent lectures on a hermeneutics of identity. HT: Matthew Montonini