Tag: Peter Gurry

  • Daily Gleanings (19 July 2019)

    Peter Gurry highlights recent debate over whether the Muratorian fragment is a late antique fake. Ever helpful, HarperCollins’s Unabridged German Dictionary (5th ed.) glosses “sentenziös” simply as “sententious.” Perhaps we need a hashtag for “English vocabulary learned while reading German.” Any ideas? 😉

  • Daily Gleanings (16 May 2019)

    Cambridge and Heidelberg are partnering over medieval manuscript digitization. HT: Peter Gurry Peter Gurry discusses plans for NA29 and UBS6, and Tommy Wasserman adds a particularly helpful comment about the ECM volume for John.

  • Daily Gleanings (9 May 2019)

    Andreas Köstenberger offers reflections and advice on writing (1: Why, 2: How). Peter Gurry extracts some preview examples of translation revisions in the NASB 2020 by comparison to the NASB 1995. HT: Fred Sanders on Twitter

  • Daily Gleanings (9 April 2019)

    “Plan for what is difficult while it is easy. Do what is great while it is small. – Sun Tzu” via Michael Hyatt A little bit of research, writing, or anything done regularly and incrementally over time adds up to a lot with significantly less pressure to finish at the end. CUP has a new…

  • Crossway video about the Tyndale GNT

    Crossway has provided a nice video introduction to the new Greek New Testament edition, produced at Tyndale House. HT: Peter Gurry. Peter has also posted an initial review of the edition that links to those of several others as well. See also Tyndale GNT to Be Available for Free, Tyndale House GNT, Harmonization Triggers, and TNT Updates.

  • The Major Critical Edition Data for Acts Is Online

    At the 2017 SBL, Holger Strutwolf made the Editio Critica Maior data for Acts freely available online. According to Peter Gurry’s report: There are features in the interface for commenting on the variant unit and a link that will take you to the local stemma and coherence modules for said variant unit. There is also an…