Tag: David Allen

  • Finding Control and Space at TEDx

    In 2014, David Allen discussed the “getting in control and creating space” in a TEDx talk in Amsterdam. [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kOSFxKaqOm4] For additional discussion, see Allen’s Getting Things Done and related posts here.

  • Stress-free Productivity at TEDx

    In 2012, David Allen discussed the “art of stress-free productivity” in a TEDx talk at Claremont Colleges. [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CHxhjDPKfbY] For additional discussion, see Allen’s Getting Things Done and related posts here.

  • Ode to to-do lists

    Kristina Malsberger discusses managing oneself and one’s commitments amid what can be a hectic whirlwind of incoming information and requests. According to Malsberger, there’s a simple, centuries-old solution: the daily to-do list. Sure, checklists have their detractors—folks that claim they constrain creativity or induce undue guilt—but when done well, a to-do list functions like a…

  • Allen keynote, part 2

    I recently mentioned the first part of David Allen’s “getting things done” keynote in Milan. The second part of the lecture is now available as well.’ See also the prior posts on GTD matters.

  • GTD Times

    It’s certainly not new, but I recently came across the GTD Times blog run by the David Allen Company. The most recent entry is the first part of a keynote in which Allen overviews his approach to “getting things done,” as covered more fully in his book by the same title (affiliate disclosure). If academia should…

  • David Allen @EntreLeadership

    If you’ve never read David Allen’s Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-free Productivity (Penguin, 2001), a recent episode of the EntreLeadership podcast has a sit-down with Allen and crash course in the fundamentals of what he thinks makes for effective time management self-management in time.