Tag: Chicago Style

  • Authorities for SBL Style: Classes, Miscellanea

    Authorities for SBL Style: Classes, Miscellanea

    In this series, we’ve discussed several kinds of authorities for SBL style. These include house styles (from a publisher or a school), the SBLHS and its blog, IATG3, and Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. There are more authorities we could discuss. But in this final post in the series, we’ll cover just two more. These authorities are…

  • The Chicago and SBL Manuals

    The Chicago and SBL Manuals

    The Chicago Manual of Style (CMS) has been updated to its 17th edition (2017).1 According to the second edition of the SBL Handbook of Style (SBLHS), Currently in its 16th edition, The Chicago Manual of Style remains the most comprehensive general authority on editorial style and publishing practices. Answers to questions not addressed in this handbook may be…

  • SBLHS student supplement and “ibid.”

    According to SBL Handbook of Style, 2nd ed., §§1, 3, 4.3.6, supports the use of “ibid.” From those descriptions, conventions look to be the same as for the Chicago Manual of Style, 16th ed., §14.29. As an easy (and free) reference for students, SBL also provides a Student Supplement to the SBLHS.  One of the courses I’ve…